Durango's Cowboy Church
Please click the "Read More" button below each Ministry for more information.
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9am
Kids & YouTh Ministries
youth Ministries
Men's Ministries
Women's Ministries
Sunday Morning worship 10am
Moring Service Every Sunday Morning @ 10am Praise & Worship Brit & Betsy Lovelace-Worship Leaders Diane Delaney, Gail Formby, Gene & Billie Jo Green, Joel Kenorick & Ted Roth-Vocals & instruments Tim Formby-Sound & Digital Will & Beverly Hall-Sound & Digital ~Special Music ~Scripture Reading ~Prayers ~Sermon ~Kids Church "Communion" Communion is served the last Sunday of each month. Roy & Lil Kinney-Coordinators
"Cry Room" For parents with littles 2 and & under. Mounted TV for viewing the service. Little Wranglers(3yr-5yr) Maggie Deluzio-Teacher Carol Wells-Sub Abbie Koselke-Helper Wranglers (5yr-12yr) Kim Shuttleswworth-Teacher Laurie Carpenter-Teacher Emma Harris-Helper (1st Sunday of the month. BGMCC Boys & Girls Missions)
Junior High & High school Wednesday 6:30pm Pinto Room upstairs Preston & Tisha Read-Leaders
Men's Breakfast 3rd Saturday of every month 8am in the Multipurpose room ~Bible study, prayer, & breakfast. Roy Kinney-Leader Men's Proverbs Bible Study Every Thursday Evening 6:30pm in the multipurpose room ~Study the chapter of Proverbs that goes with the day of the week (16th day-16th chapter).
Every Sunday Morning 9am-Multipurpose Room Roy Kinney-Facilitator Michael Shuttlesworth-Facilitator
Craft Night
If you have a prayer request or would like to join this group Contact the church at (970)247-0435 Joy McKnight-Coordinator
Ladies Luncheon 3rd Sunday of Every Month following Sunday morning service. Mary Masters-Leader Women's Bible Study Spring & Fall (Watch for Details) Vicky Koltz-Leader
Church Photographer
Chuck wagon (1st Sunday of the Month)
Last Friday of every month 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Pizza provided, bring a snack a craft to work on while you fellowhsip. Gail Formby-Leader
Chuck Wagon Brisket Pot Luck 1st Sunday of every month after Sunday morning service. (Weather permitting) Sandy cooper-Head Cook Meat provided by the church. Bring a side dish or dessert & join us.
Shirley Briar
Tamis Sapp
Kitchen Ministry
CJ Weaver-Leader
Carol Lewin
Coffee BAr ministry
Agnes Eythison & Jan Mallett
Couple's Ministries
Couple's Bible Study Every 3rd Saturday evening
If you are interested in serving in a ministry please contact
Pastor Stan or Sister Gail