Durango's Cowboy Church

Our Pastor
Rev. W. Stan Formby, and his beautiful wife of 57 years, Brenda Gail Formby, have been the lead Pastors at churches in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Colorado for the last 57+ years. They have made Durango their home since 1990 as the lead Pastors of the First Assembly of God Church, Victorious Life Fellowship and now Durango’s Cowboy Church.
“The Lord had been leading me for several years to build a Cowboy Church. We thought He was going to take us back to Oklahoma, but the Lord had other plans. We have been on this journey since 2010. We now have plans to expand this ministry".
We were able to build our church on 34 acres that was
bought from the sale of the property in downtown Durango.
We also built an arena where our church family, friends, and community members gather to enjoy fun Cowboy Church activities.
"You don't have to be a Cowboy to attend our church, you just need to like the cowboy way.
Come go with us as we blaze this new trail"
Background & Family
Pastor Stan was born in Hominy, OK and raised in Bartlesville, OK. He graduated from SAGC in Waxahachie, TX with a BS in Christian Ministry. He also attended West Georgia College in Carrollton, GA, and TU in Tulsa, OK.
While serving as lead pastor, Pastor Stan also taught Special Education in Georgia and Oklahoma, as well as serving the San Juan Sectional Presbyter, La Plata County Jail Chaplain, and presently as the Chaplain with the Colorado State Patrol.
Brenda Gail (Grant) Formby was born in Atlanta, GA, graduated Roosevelt High and attended college at SAGC in Waxahachie, TX where she graduated with a PHT (for “Putting Hubby Through”).
Pastor Stan and Gail have three sons and are fondly known to their seven grand children as “Pa” and “Grand”.
Pastor Stan enjoys camping, horseback riding, and reading. Gail enjoys camping, music and scrap booking.